Wednesday, December 2, 2009

♫ aRe IT woRkerRs aRe pRoFessionaL? yes oR no? and why? ♫

♫ aRe IT woRkerRs aRe pRoFessionaL? yes oR no? and why? ♫

s a IT student I can say that IT workers are professional, because this IT workers are confronting increasing challenges to their careers,brought about by rapidly changing technology.This skill is trained seriously.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

♫1sT aSsignmenT in IT 104♫


I am thinking if i join to this organization i can develop my leadership,self and all of my weaknesses. This organization is for young men ages between 13 to 21. This organization has no hazing activities.
This organization is not like other fraternities that they are always in trouble.
This organization also helps to the society and to other people. Demolay have many activities like tree planting, feeding program,they invited also a artist band and etc.. Some of my friends join to this organization but I haven't see any problem to this organization.